
Japanese ceramic design workshop


Let’s have fun decorating ceramics

In this workshop, you can create your own original ceramic tea bowl, or travel cup. Naoko will provide you with one of her own studio crafted tea bowl, tea cup or travel cup to decorate with underglaze and a beautiful selection of handmade tissue transfers imported directly from Japan. Your creation will be professionally glazed, fired and delivered back to Japaneasy (or if you’d prefer, pick it up from Naoko‘s Studio in Montmorency or have it delivered to your home  at the cost of shipping) around 4 weeks later, ready to use or gift to someone special!

age: 7+

このワークショップでは陶芸用下絵絵具などを使って食洗器使用OKのオリジナルデザインの作品を作ります。ワークショップには手作りの素焼きの器、下絵具と日本から取り寄せた多数の柄の転写紙等すべての材料、焼成費が含まれます。絵付けが終わり次第乾燥し、釉薬掛け、焼成が終わったら約3~4週間ほどでJapaneasy で受け渡しか、担当の陶芸家のスタジオ(Montmorency)まで取りに来て頂く、または追加料金で自宅に発送します。オリジナル柄の日常使いのカップとして、または特別な人へのプレゼントにいかがでしょうか。


Naoko studied ceramics at Joshibi College of art and Design in Tokyo, but after graduating and joining the workforce found little time to pursue her pottery dreams… until fifteen years ago, when she moved to Melbourne and a close friend encouraged her to start teaching Japanese pottery classes at a local studio.

In 2022, Naoko opened her own studio (Kiku Pottery Studio) in Montmorency, where she works on her own pottery.


TBA or On request



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