April 26, 2021

Term 3 Group Course Enrolment stats

Term 2 Group Course (May 31 – Jul 24)

We’ll start Term 3 courses from May 31st – July 24th. (8 weeks)
※No classes on public holiday on Mon 14th Jun
⇒So Mon class is running until Mon 26th Jul

There are 3 courses for group class:

1. General Group Course: Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced
・You’ll learn all skills: Writing, reading, speaking and listening.
・Grammar based
・Suitable for people who would like to learn grammars as well as conversational skills or / and intend to take JLPT in the future

2. Focus on Communication Course 
・You’ll mainly learn speaking and listening, focus on more communication.
・Suitable for people who would like to focus on conversation.

3. JLPT Preparation Course (N3, N2, N1)
・You’ll cover JLPT each level throughout of the year.
・N4 & N5: Please join Beginners or Intermediate level for Term 3.
(N5 level is roughly same as Pre-Intermediate level / N4: Intermediate-5 level)


☆Term 3 Early Bird discount☆
 ※This payment information will be sent to you after submitting the retention form, too.  
If you make a payment for Term 3  by Sat 15th Mayyou will get $10 OFF! (Full payment required)
・General Group Class / FOC 16hrs class: $374→$364
・JLPT Preparation Class: $385→$375
・Conversation Class (8hrs): $198→$188

Here is a link for group courses details & enrolment.